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English Drama Take in New party memebers

Teacher who is from EDTA (Educational Theatre Association)came to Xi'an Middle School and introduced English Drama for students of International Education Center. 

    The 2014 Young Thespian Drama festival is being held by Enreach Education and The Council for American Culture and Education. There are two different categories of activities: competition and workshops. The competition consists of Monologue and Scene performances of which there are two levels: Junior (6-8 grade years) and Senior (9-12 grade years).

    Students will have the opportunity to take a workshop in Shakespeare's textual analysis and performance. Taught by an experienced Shakespeare actor who graduated from the University of Cambridge, the students will learn about Shakespeare's language—what it means and how to perform it. Students will also take a workshop in Sanford Meisner's famous acting technique as well as exercises for the voice in diction and projection. Lastly, the students will partake in a lecture/workshop explaining how soft skills taught through drama such as confidence, communication, collaboration, eye contact, and physical coordination to name a few, are important skills for college interviews and survival in a university setting abroad. All workshops are taught by expert theatre or education professionals.